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This is a website inspired by the YouTube channel of Richard Causton lectures; a compilation of wonderful lectures given throughout his time as leader of NSUK (Nichiren Shoshu of the United Kingdom) and later of SGI-UK (Soka Gakkai International United Kingdom)

“The real challenge, therefore, lies in sublimating our desires and re-orientating them towards creative and valuable ends. Inevitably, this means recognizing that, although we can get a certain amount of short-term satisfaction from fulfilling our own selfish wants, ultimately our greatest happiness is inextricably bound up with the desire to work in some way, however apparently insignificant, for the happiness of our fellow men and women.” 
― Richard G. Causton, The Buddha In Daily Life: An Introduction to the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin

A very warm welcome to the Richard Causton Lectures. The 13th January 2015 marked the 20th anniversary of his death. He was the first general director of SGI-UK from 1975 to 1995. My sincerest thanks to those pioneering SGI-UK members who have made audio cassette copy recordings of his lectures, which are the sources for the uploads on this channel. They have kept these recordings all their lives, testimony to the incredible encouragement and inspiration deriving from Mr Causton’s lectures and his incredible ability to connect to audiences all around the UK. 
IMPORTANT: The lectures pre-date the priesthood issue.

As this split occurred in 1990, there will be opinions, depending on the belief system:

Nichiren Shoshu:

Soka Gakkai:

Richard Causton always followed Daisaku Ikeda as his mentor, therefore these lectures do not endorse the priesthood at all.

Listening to Mr Causton’s lectures does not constitute a looking back at the past at all. This website has its gaze fixed on the present and the future. This website is the audio version of the  YouTube channel  of Mr. Richard Causton to celebrate the foundation work to our beautiful SGI-UK. We should be proud of this common heritage and history that makes us what we are today. Listening to these lectures will make us look at our Buddhist practice with a renewed freshness and open our eyes to new perspective in our practice.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

The lectures are arranged into sections:

The Practice of Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin 

Lectures on Introduction to Buddhism - the basics

Then other lectures: - two key ones on:

The Heritage of The Ultimate Law of Life (Shoji Ichidaiji Kechimyaku Sho)

On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land (Rissho Ankoku Ron)

Then, more lectures on the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, given by Richard Causton

What is the purpose of practicing True Buddhism? The purpose of practicing True Buddhism is to awaken our ultimate potential life condition, Buddhahood, or enlightenment that is inherent in all living beings. We gain the benefit of increased wisdom, the ability to overcome our difficulties and suffering as well as developing a fortunate and happy daily life. We also practice with the goal of creating a peaceful society.

Richard Causton Lectures created 2016

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