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'Fascia' is a word of Latin origins and means 'band', 'bandage' or 'swathe'. Myo' means muscle. Hence myofascial infers the structures in and around the muscles.

Myofascial Release Course

It describes the tissues that wrap in and around every other tissue in the body.

  • It gives tissues tensile strength

  • It attaches structures to each other; it creates attachment for muscles such that they can 'pull'

  • It separates

  • It compartmentalises

  • It creates an environment where tissues may slide past each other


The world of anatomy can be very confusing in that it gives all these structures their own names:

  • Perimysium - around muscle

  • Periosteum - around bone

  • Pleura - around lung

  • Peritoneum  around gut

  • Perineurium - around nerves

  • Dura - around brain and spinal cord

  • Tunica serosa - around blood vessels


All these term are from the reductionist model of orthodox medicine and can potentially be misleading. The important point is that it creates a 3-dimensional web throughout the body

If you want a to see a fascinating video on this, see strolling under the skin

Myofascial Release Course

This picture demonstrates the 'build up' of 'the fuzz' of fascial connective tissue that is present and that can build up, even overnight.

Such 'fuzz' can breakdown fairly easily in the morning, when you get up and stretch. Sadly, we can be so busy and distracted with life that we easily forget.

As this fuzz can be become more established it can create adhesions, restricting the muscles from being stretched and contracting.

This can predispose to chronic restriction and pain.

So if 'normality' exists then all the fascia is happy and content within itself. We are free and lithe and can do all the things we wish to do.

What really matters is that anything that happens to us can potentially be a trauma and trauma can express itself in the tissues as tension. Tension can cause layers of fascia to 'work together', resulting in adhesions, with restriction of movement of those tissues manifesting as pain, restriction, postural upset and even imbalance of system dysfunction. 

All these can also have an emotional content, the subjective experience of the person relating to any of those traumata.

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